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Welcome to The Chihuahua Club of SA Inc. website

Go to our facebook page for more information :Chihuahua Club of SA Inc.






Winter International - Chihuahua Specialty - 31-05-2025

Royal Adelaide Show - anticipated Breed Day - 3-09-2025

13th National Chihuahua Championship Show - 5th & 6th September 2025





Our objectives and aim is to promote the Chihuahua, educate and encourage new members, breeders and exhibitors, whilst promoting public interest in Chihuahuas and encouraging good fellowship amongst those interested in Chihuahuas.

Club History


How it all began - Mr Alan and Mrs Peggy Rochford came to Australia from England in 1960 bringing with them seven Chihuahuas.

In 1968, Alan & Peggy Rochford placed an advertisement in the local press inviting all who were interested to attend a meeting to see if they could form a Chihuahua Club.

6 February 1968 the first general meeting of the Chihuahua Club of South Australia was held in the Thebarton Community Hall. The meeting was well attended and by the end of the historic night the fledgling Chihuahua Club of SA was formed and office bearers elected. Incorporation (Inc) of the club came later.

27 February 1968 saw the first official committee meeting and was opened by the then President Mr A Rochford with general club business on the agenda. The club was also granted affiliation with the South Australian Canine Council (SACA) that year.

Fifty six years on from the first historic meeting attended by 24 people who held immense passion for their chosen breed and dedication to form a club - the Chihuahua Club of SA Inc today is as committed and passionate about the well being of the lovable Chihuahua.


Interesting Facts


The joining fee for the club in 1968 was $2.00 and a $1.00 yearly Membership fee payable

The first club magazine "Chi Chit Chat" was published in 1968

The first Chihuahua female owned in South Australia was by Mrs R Truscott in 1958 - Salford Chi Chi

The first Chihuahua Champion in South Australia was in 1963 owned by Mrs P Rochford Ch. Almaro Mikki (Imp. UK) bred by Lady Bellingham (UK)

The first owner bred Champion in South Australia was in 1968

The first Chihuahua to win a Group Award was at the Royal Adelaide Show in 1964. A Chihuahua won "Best Puppy in Show" at the Adelaide Royal Show in 1972

In 1979 it was recognised that cross coat breeding be accepted in all states of Australia. (breeding Longcoat to Smoothcoat and vice versa)

The Chihuahua Club of SA Inc held the first ever National Chihuahua Championship show in 1998.

The Chihuahua Club of South Australia is open to all people. As a group, our members have a wealth of knowledge about the Chihuahua and are only too happy to help you with your enquiries.

The Club magazine "Chi Chit Chat" is now discontinued.  All Communication will now be through our website & facebook page.






Website Copyright Chihuahua Club of SA Inc


Contact Details

Lorretta Stephenson
Kilburn, SA, Australia
Phone : 0419532040
Email : [email protected]

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