SA Point Score Show Dates


Point Score Awards have been suspended until further notice


  • Best Longcoat
  • Runner Up &/or Opposite sex Longcoat
  • Best Rising Star Longcoat
  • Best Smoothcoat
  • Runner Up &/or Opposite sex Smoothcoat
  • Best Rising Star Smoothcoat





The point score competition starts with our Championship Show that is held in-conjunction with Winter International


  • June – Winter International
  • June – Chihuahua Club of SA Inc – Champ Show
  • August – SA Poultry & Kennel Club
  • September – Adelaide Royal
  • October – Chihuahua Club of SA Inc 
  • October – Adelaide Hills (Thema Grey Memorial Show)
  • April – All Breeds Kennel Club
  • May – Toy Dog Club  



Where 2 shows are held on the same day, only the am show will count, unless otherwise stated.    

Where shows are affected by the Dogs SA Hot Weather Policy, the night show on the date allocated will count, and if the show is cancelled, then another show will not replace it.

 All owners of the dog must be members of the Chihuahua Club of SA Inc.

  Point Score System


Points will be allocated at each Point Score Show as follows:

Best of Breed                         5 points

Runner Up                             3 points

Challenge                               2 points

Reserve Challenge                1 points


For example if your dog wins Best of Breed it gets a 5 points


Rising Star


Points will be allocated at each Point Score Show for Baby Puppy, Minor Puppy, Puppy and Junior Classes as follows:


Class wins                              1 point

Class of Breed                        2 point


For example, if you win Junior class and win Junior of Breed you will get 2 points total at that show.


At shows where the Group 1-4 system is used, they often don’t award class of breed for Minor Puppy or Junior, in which case only 1 point can be allocated at those shows for Minor and Junior classes.